Greetings - Meow, Woof, and Squeak-Squeak

Welcome to my photo blog of my pets. Here is some brief info: 2 cats (Age 7; Names: Jasmine and Makota), 1 dog (Age 15; Name: Chrono), 1 guinea pig (Age 1; Name: Baby Dee). They are my silly, attention seeking animals which I love with all my heart.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Happened to My Shoes?

Haha Makota is pretending to be shoes in a shoebox.

I See You

Jasmine was nosy just in time for my camera to capture her, lol.

A Closer Look

Jasmine wanted to investigate and sniff my camera.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jasmine Claps in Her Sleep

Someone in her dreams needed a round of applause. Must have been a good purr-formance.

Ears Pushed Back = Not Ready for Photo

Meanie Makota is at it again, pushing her ears back because she wasn't ready for the photo.

Sad Puppy Dog Eyes

Dogs always know that giving you this look with a small whine or whimper will have your no's turn to okay okay but just this one last

All Stretched Out

Jasmine likes to sleep peacefully under my desk.

Whats That Thing?

Jasmine is known to stare really hard when she notices I have the camera, but then again, being a deaf cat would have her extra alert.

Wait Until No One Is Looking

She was on her way over to mess with the plants until she noticed I was watching.

Hiss or Yawn?

Makota is known to be a very mean cat to everyone, so it is pretty typical that one would think she was hissing, but in fact I caught her yawning.

Taking a Breather

After all that running around, Chrono decided that he might need to take a break.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Whats this on the Floor?

Jasmine is being curious, sniffing out the candle.

Fighting Sleep

Makota wants to sleep but her head thinks otherwise.

Paws Forward

Makota's message for today: Always put your paws foward for great success.

Gray Whiskers and Fur

A close shot of Chrono gives away his age, but he is still going :)

Jasmine Taking a Siesta

Aww doesn't she look so comfortable sleeping on the table?

Look at the Mess

Poor Baby Dee never looked sweeter when he plays the part of making the mess that is behind him.

Getting My Grub On

Jasmine was giving us the eye while she was about to chow down her cat food.